Golf Performance

Golf Fitness Training Using the Latest Techniques

Have trouble making a full backswing? Losing distance off the tee? Too sore and tired to play multiple days in a row? Taken a lot of lessons, but still can’t seem to “get it?” At Buckeye Performance Golf, we work with golfers of all ages to determine precisely how they can improve their game and keep themselves in the best possible condition.

Golf Performance
  • Golf Performance Physical Screening - $100-180
  • Individual Golf Fitness Training - $75-125/packages available
  • Group Golf Fitness Training - $$45-$150/SES/MO
  • Golf Swing 3D Motion Analysis - $125/HR
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Golf Physical Performance Screen

Shortcomings in your golf swing/game are often due to physical limitations. No golf lesson in the world will help you achieve a full backswing if you lack the physical flexibility to perform it. The Golf Physical Performance Screen evaluates the strength, flexibility, balance, power, and coordination necessary for your golf swing. This assessment helps determine whether inefficiencies or other struggles in your golf swing are due to physical limitations.

Senior Citizen practicing a golf swing with a weighted ball

Individual Golf Fitness Training

One-on-one golf training is the best way to meet your golf and fitness goals. Training is based on your physical assessment, and is consistently updated to challenge you as well as allow for recovery. Proper warmup, cool-down, nutrition, and hydration, along with a home program, will all be included during the course of your golf fitness training, which may also include such factors as speed training for golf and clubhead speed. Work out with a PURPOSE and a PLAN to play your best golf!

Group Fitness Training

Group fitness training is a great environment to work out with like-minded golfers and push one another to be your absolute best. Don’t just work out to burn calories; work out to improve your flexibility, strength, and power for golf. All sessions are small group and can be modified to meet varying skill and physical levels.

Golf Swing 3D Motion Analysis

3D motion analysis determines your golf swing efficiency – how well you transfer energy from your body to the club head. Since each golfer’s swing is different, 3D analysis determines how well your swing works for you. Buckeye Performance Golf’s 3D technology provides real-time feedback on your swing efficiency.

Group 5

3D motion analysis determines your golf swing efficiency – how well you transfer energy from your body to the club head. Since each golfer’s swing is different, 3D analysis determines how well your swing works for you. Buckeye Performance Golf’s 3D technology provides real-time feedback on your swing efficiency.
3D Golf Swing Motion Analysis Simulation, with 9 reps

Get Started Today

Get started on making a big improvement in your golf game by scheduling a session with us today! Or contact us for further information.
